From the course: Ableton Live 12 Essential Training
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Configuring your audio I/O setup - Ableton Live Tutorial
From the course: Ableton Live 12 Essential Training
Configuring your audio I/O setup
- [Instructor] In the last video, we discussed how to connect your home studio. Let's continue and set up Live 12 to recognize your audio input and output devices. So I've just got a default set open, and we can get to the audio settings in Live through the Live menu if you're on a Mac, or the Options menu if you're on a PC. Now, it used to be called Preferences. They've changed it to Settings on Ableton Live 12. Notice while we're here that you can also do this by key command, which on a Mac would be Command + comma, or on a Windows machine, it would be Control + comma. So once you've got Settings open, you'll want to click the Audio Tab here on the left pane. And at the top, you'll notice that we can choose our driver type. On a Mac, you should choose Core Audio. And on a PC, you'll want to go with ASIO or Asio Driver. Now, in some cases, you may want to install a third party driver. Good examples of this would be for interfaces like Apogee or Universal Audio, because that third…
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