From the course: Ableton Live 12 Essential Training

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Computer MIDI keyboard

Computer MIDI keyboard

- [Instructor] If you need to record some MIDI notes and don't have a keyboard available, you can use your computer keyboard instead. So I've got the computer MIDI keyboard project open, and this time I'm going to use the computer MIDI keyboard to fix this base part that we fixed in the last video, and I'll use punch record again to do that. So I've already got the loop brace set up and let me engage the punch in and punch out switches. And now to activate the computer MIDI keyboard, all I need to do is click this piano button here on the right side of the control bar, you can also toggle that on and off using the M key on your computer keyboard. So let me show you how this works. So here's a graph of the keyboard and the upper left hand button here represents the Q key on your computer MIDI keyboard. So the Q key doesn't do anything but the W next to it would be a C-sharp, and the next note over here would be a D-sharp, that's the E key and then going up, you'll get the rest of your…
