From the course: Ableton Live 12 Essential Training

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Click and pencil MIDI entry

Click and pencil MIDI entry

- [Instructor] Let's take a look at how you can use your computer mouse and Live 12's pencil tool to enter MIDI notes and parts. So I've got a default set open and let's load a preset on this first track. So let's go back into the Instruments category and into Impulse. And I'm going to grab the same preset that we've been using and load it on that first track. So, I'm going to do a couple things to get ready here. First of all, I need a place to put the MIDI to be able to use my mouse or the pencil tool to enter MIDI notes. So I need a clip. So the way we can do that is to choose a clip slot and then right click and choose Insert Empty MIDI Clip from the contextual menu. So now that I've got a place to do this, I've got to check one other thing. When you use your computer mouse or the pencil tool to enter notes, they're going to come in at the default velocity setting that you've set when you use the computer MIDI keyboard. So I'm going to enable that and if you remember, we can use…
