From the course: A3 Problem Solving for Continuous Improvement

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Metrics: Desired state

Metrics: Desired state

- How will you know you have actually made an improvement to your problem or even progress toward an improvement? The answer is by measuring the impact of the countermeasures you'll apply. You can think of countermeasures as a set of actions you take to counter a negative situation and improve it. I use the word, countermeasures, deliberately because for some, a solution can give a false sense of the total elimination of a problem, forever. But I have found that forever doesn't exist and when circumstances change, problems can repeat. Metrics are a fact based way of reaching a conclusion on whether we are closer to the desired state or not. Therefore, define the metrics that will help you measure improvement objectively and this leads us to Step Three in the A3 worksheet. A good practice in choosing metrics to measure your outcomes is to choose those that you can compare with ones you're measuring the problem situation. In our case study, Out Control is a manufacturing company that's…
