From the course: A3 Problem Solving for Continuous Improvement

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Brainstorm potential countermeasures

Brainstorm potential countermeasures

- When a problem happens, we first have to know what the underlying root causes are that are creating the problem. Once these have been identified, we can brainstorm with our team. Doing so harnesses the power of many brains to find as many countermeasures as possible. I use the term countermeasures to remind us that usually more than one cause is behind a problem. So there isn't just one solution. Plus, we don't know if our actions to counter the situation will actually work until we try them. They're just actions, not solutions. The word solution might trick us into believing the problem has gone away forever which is risky knowing that when circumstances change, a problem can recur. Here's some tips to facilitate a brainstorming session and create a list of potential countermeasures. First, encourage every participant to suggest as many ideas as possible while staying within the scope of the problem statement and the root causes being discussed. This is where it's crucial to allow…
