From the course: A3 Problem Solving for Continuous Improvement

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Agree on the action plan

Agree on the action plan

- I was recently helping a client with a problem and noticed that some of the team participants were not doing what was expected of them as part of the tasks and activities everyone had agreed on. When we brought this up, it turned out they had not understood in the same way what each of the roles and tasks were. Therefore by agreeing with everyone about who is going to do what, by when, everyone knows what they're committing to and your problem solving process will go a lot more smoothly. This is step six on the A3 worksheet. Here's the process to establish an effective action plan for getting things done. First, use a list of prioritized countermeasures that you think will bring you the most benefit for your effort. I recommend you choose not more than three to five so that you don't overwhelm your team. Second, create a blank action register that lists who, what, when, and a place for a signature. Third, define the what. What is the specific countermeasure that needs to be applied?…
