From the course: 5-Day Photo Challenge: Portraiture

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Solution: In their element

Solution: In their element

Alright, your challenge was to go out and photograph someone in their element. The way that I approached this was to go down to the beach and to bring my buddy, Alex, along. And it was so fun to get a chance just to be at the ocean as the sun started to rise. It was a cloudy day, which I didn't anticipate. I pictured creating these images with this warm, golden sunlight. You know, this California beautiful scene. It didn't turn out that way. So all of a sudden, I think about, well, how can I use these clouds? There's a really nice, soft light. So I captured some images of him at the edge of the water. I also realized I could create some moody photographs, where it's a little bit darker, like this isolated figure standing there with his surfboard on the water in this scene with all these interesting clouds. Then I also wanted to get up close, right? You want to capture images far away and up close, and so I had him hold his surfboard and almost use it as a backdrop. And I've used that…
