From the course: 3ds Max and Twinmotion: Architectural Visualization

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Exporting to FBX

Exporting to FBX

- [Instructor] I now have my scene organized by material. And I also have my UV mapping in place. So now, the only thing we need to do is export to FBX. Now I'm using 3DS Max, but you can use the same techniques for any other package that supports FBX. Such as Maya, Blender, Cinema 4D, and so on. So in 3DS Max, we're going to go ahead and do File. Export. And then I'm going to export the entire file. And so I'm going to go into my Twin Motion FBX folder And just give this a name. I'm going to call this Sample House. Now, there are some other files out there. But let's go ahead and type Sample House and click Save. Now, when I do this, it brings up the options for FBX Export. If you are using a different package, this may be in a different place, but let's go through these options so that we understand them. For geometry, I'm just going to use the standard defaults here. And so I've got Turbo Smooth turned on. I don't…
