From the course: 3ds Max 2025 Essential Training

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Understanding topology dependence

Understanding topology dependence - 3ds Max Tutorial

From the course: 3ds Max 2025 Essential Training

Understanding topology dependence

- [Tutor] In the previous movie, we deleted polygons based upon a volume selection. I want to detour into an alternate selection method to illustrate the issues that may arise from a principle known as topology dependence. Topology is the structure of a model and how all of its sub-objects are connected. Dependence means that certain operations are going to depend on the topology, or structure. If you're not careful and you don't quite understand how this works, you may run into trouble when you try to change the level of detail on a parametric model. Let's take a look. I've got a monitor stand here. I'll select that. And in the modify panel we see it's a box, with a taper and a bend modifier. I want to once again delete the bottom polygons. This time I'll do it by making an explicit selection. Go to the modifier list and choose poly select, and open up its sub-object types, I want to talk about these. We haven't really dealt with polygon components or sub-objects yet. We'll see…
