From the course: 3ds Max 2025 Essential Training
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Setting render resolution and aspect ratio - 3ds Max Tutorial
From the course: 3ds Max 2025 Essential Training
Setting render resolution and aspect ratio
- [Instructor] In the previous movie, we saw how to enable safe frames to crop the viewport to the render aspect ratio. Now let's adjust that render aspect ratio and its pixel resolution. That's a property of the renderer, not of the camera, and it'll be found in the render setup dialogue. On the main toolbar, we have the render buttons, the little teapot icons. The render setup is the teapot with a gear. Go ahead and launch that. Within this window, there are a whole bunch of tabs, and the tabs you see will depend upon the current renderer. We want to just go to the common tab. This is where we set the render resolution. It's here in the area called output size. Currently I've got a custom resolution of 426 by 240. I set that up in order to conform to the constraints of my screen capture area. Normally you would render to a resolution somewhat higher than that. We have some buttons over here, and those are custom resolutions that were set up for the default scene. For example, we can…
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Understanding camera types4m 21s
Creating a physical camera6m 39s
First-person camera navigation7m 10s
Enabling Safe Frames7m 55s
Setting render resolution and aspect ratio8m 8s
Rotating in Gimbal coordinate space6m 46s
Emulating a tripod with rotation axis order8m 25s