From the course: 3ds Max 2025 Essential Training

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Passing a selection up the stack

Passing a selection up the stack - 3ds Max Tutorial

From the course: 3ds Max 2025 Essential Training

Passing a selection up the stack

- [Instructor] So far in this course, we have looked at applying modifiers to entire objects, but modifiers can also be applied to just parts of objects, to components or sub objects. And that's accomplished by passing a selection up the modifier stack to some subsequent modifier that can operate on it. And the example I'll give here is culling some of the non-visible polygons from an object in order to optimize performance. Let's say I've got this monitor stand and I want to place these into a game level. And let's say it's a huge room full of monitors and there are hundreds of them, they're all sitting on tables. Well, in a situation like that, we would never see the bottom of any of those monitors. And the basic rule of thumb in any media and entertainment application is if the audience can't see it, it has no reason to exist. And in this case, if we had hundreds of these monitors in a game level, then we would want to delete everything at the bottom here so that we would optimize…
