From the course: 3ds Max 2025 Essential Training

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- [Narrator] We've seen that 3ds Max is a very versatile 3D application with many deep features. Of course, we can only cover the basics in an essential training course. To extend your knowledge and experience of Max, take a look at some of the other excellent courses here, we've got many great options for you to learn more. I've authored several courses on rendering, including advanced materials, advanced lighting, cinematography, and the Arnold renderer. I also authored a weekly series called, "3ds Max: Tips, Tricks, and Techniques," where I covered a wide variety of topics. If your area of interest is product visualization, I have authored some courses that can help you get started. Product and Architectural Visualization Techniques is a course in general concepts, such as studio lighting and walkthroughs. 3ds Max and After Effects: Product Visualization is a project-based course specific to the workflow in Max. I hope you've accomplished your learning goals for this course. It's…
