From the course: 3ds Max 2025 Essential Training

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Layering deformers in the modifier stack

Layering deformers in the modifier stack - 3ds Max Tutorial

From the course: 3ds Max 2025 Essential Training

Layering deformers in the modifier stack

- [Instructor] One of the defining and innovative aspects of the 3D SMEC software design was the introduction of the modifier stack. This is a layering metaphor similar to what you're probably familiar with in a compositing or image processing application such as Photoshop. Except here, we're not layering images on top of one another. We are layering geometric effects such as deformers. And the order in which those deformers are applied will have a great effect on the end result. Let's add another deformer to this monitor stand to bend it upward. I'll select it, and over in the Modify panel, I want to add a new modifier. It'll be added directly above whatever we have currently selected. If I chose Box, then when I add a modifier, it would be added above the box. I want to add it above the taper modifier. Select Taper. Go to the Modifier list, and it's right here, Bend. We'll add a bend. And we'll want to give it some amount. We've got the bend angle here. Let's increase that, and we…
