From the course: 3ds Max 2025 Essential Training

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Grow and convert subobject selections

Grow and convert subobject selections - 3ds Max Tutorial

From the course: 3ds Max 2025 Essential Training

Grow and convert subobject selections

- [Instructor] Continuing the process of cleanup for this polygon mesh, I want to remove all of these internal edges and polygons on this pergola column. These edges in this internal polygon here are increasing the level of detail without increasing the fidelity, and so they have no reason to exist. I want to remove those. I'll select the object, and in Modify mode with the Modify panel visible, I can go up to the ribbon and let's enter polygon sub object mode. I want to remove all of these edges, not the polygons themselves because that would punch a hole in the model, but I'm going to use polygon sub object mode indirectly in order to select these edges, which can then be removed without punching a hole. I'll click to select that center polygon, and then I want to grow the selection to select all of the adjacent polygons. We've got a button for that on the ribbon, and that's grow selection. Just click that once and now all the polygons on top of that column are selected. And now I…
