From the course: 3ds Max 2025 Essential Training
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Emulating a tripod with rotation axis order - 3ds Max Tutorial
From the course: 3ds Max 2025 Essential Training
Emulating a tripod with rotation axis order
- In the previous movie, we saw the importance of using gimbal coordinate system when rotating a free camera. Now let's go a little bit deeper and talk about rotation axis order. That will allow us to emulate the mechanics of a real-world tripod. Gimbal mode accurately represents the complex interaction of rotational axes. These are what's known as Euler angle rotations, E-U-L-E-R, named after the mathematician who developed the system. The three rotation axes are calculated sequentially in a particular order. That results in a kind of inheritance in which the orientation of the rotational axes depend upon one another. To illustrate, I'll select the camera and choose the rotate tool, and I'm in gimbal reference coordinate system. If I rotate around a particular axis, the other axes may or may not inherit that rotation depending upon the rotation priority. For example, if I go over to the perspective view and rotate around the gimbal Y axis, we will see that the red axis is following…
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Understanding camera types4m 21s
Creating a physical camera6m 39s
First-person camera navigation7m 10s
Enabling Safe Frames7m 55s
Setting render resolution and aspect ratio8m 8s
Rotating in Gimbal coordinate space6m 46s
Emulating a tripod with rotation axis order8m 25s