From the course: 3ds Max 2025 Essential Training
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Choosing a transform center - 3ds Max Tutorial
From the course: 3ds Max 2025 Essential Training
Choosing a transform center
- [Instructor] For modeling and layout, we have the ability to control the center of transforms, aside from simply using the pivot point of the selected object. This is only for modeling and layout. It does not work in animation. If you want to perform a similar operation in animation, you'll need to build a hierarchy. We'll look at that later in the course. This particular tool also only applies in view or world coordinate systems, because it's based entirely upon the world position of the pivot points of the selected object or objects. It's all managed from this button up here on the main toolbar. It's called the Use Transform Coordinate Center Flyout. It's a bit of a mouthful, but it's got three options. If I hold down the button, we get the flyout. The first option is Use Pivot Point Center. The second one is Use Selection Center. The third one is Use Reference Coordinate Center. We're going to look at the first two in this movie. The default is Use Pivot Point Center. If I select…
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Selecting in Window and Crossing modes7m 20s
Moving objects in reference coordinate systems6m 58s
Rotating objects in reference coordinate systems7m 2s
Choosing a transform center5m 10s
Transform center reference coordinates7m 17s
Introducing snap7m 59s
Precision transforms with Grid Snap7m 8s