From the course: 3ds Max 2025 Essential Training

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Choosing a renderer

Choosing a renderer

- [Instructor] In our final chapter, we'll look at the basics of rendering. The first thing I want to cover is your choices for renderers in 3ds Max. You've got four different options for production rendering. The first is the legacy Scanline renderer, and that is the oldest one in the group. It's a fallback position in case some of the other options don't work for you. You might need to use legacy materials to export to another application that doesn't support a physically based rendering workflow. The Quicksilver Hardware renderer uses your video hardware or your graphics card. Quicksilver is primarily for draft renders, but its quality is pretty good, and in some cases it can be good enough for production output. The Autodesk Ray Tracer or ART renderer is useful for compatibility with other Autodesk applications. It's a common software component of multiple Autodesk programs such as Revit. In 3ds Max the default renderer is Arnold, an advanced global illumination engine. For most…
