From the course: 3ds Max 2025 Essential Training
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Branching with Editable Poly Extrude - 3ds Max Tutorial
From the course: 3ds Max 2025 Essential Training
Branching with Editable Poly Extrude
- [Instructor] The extrude tool of editable poly creates branching structures on a polygon mesh. We'll use it to add detail to create a column for the pergola in the courtyard. The extrude tool is different from the similarly named extrude modifier. The modifier operates on splines, the extrude tool operates on selected polygons or edges. I'll select this column object, and in the modify panel we'll see that it's a box primitive. I'll need more detail in order to add an extrusion. I want to extrude a capital and a base. In order to extrude a certain region, we need a face from which to extrude. We cannot just sprout a new face from part of another polygon face. We need to divide this up. Let's increase the number of height segments to three, and then we will convert to editable poly. Right click, Convert To, Convert To Editable Poly. And now we have the full range of polygon tools available on the ribbon. Let's go into edge subobject mode. We need to move these edges up and down into…
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Combining meshes with Boolean modifier5m 1s
Adding edges with QuickSlice7m 25s
Adding edges with Cut7m 7s
Hard and soft edges with the Smooth modifier5m 57s
Using the Modeling Ribbon7m 38s
Branching with Editable Poly Extrude9m 43s
Detailing a mesh6m 8s
Grow and convert subobject selections4m 23s
Rounding corners with Chamfer8m 20s
Optimization with Retopology modifier6m 47s