From the course: 3ds Max 2017 Essential Training

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Using Real-World Map Size

Using Real-World Map Size

- [Voiceover] Another clever way that we can determine the size of a map on surfaces is by using the material editor. Within the bitmap node or really in most of the map nodes, we have an option called real world map size. And that'll give us the ability to just enter in the size of the map placement directly in the material editor. Let's look at that. To go to the material editor, use the M key. And here's our bitmap node. And double click on that. And you will see that there is a switch here that says use real world scale. And if that is enabled, then you can control the size of this map on the surface using these values here. Let's say I wanted it to be 20 feet, I could type in 20 and press the tab key and type in 20, press enter. Now notice, by the way, just due to kind of a quirk in the program, it's displaying 19 feet and 12 inches. Well of course 12 inches is a foot so it's actually 20 feet. Now that's half of it. We've got real world scale enabled here. But we also want to…
