From the course: 3ds Max 2017 Essential Training

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Using Paint Deform brushes

Using Paint Deform brushes - 3ds Max Tutorial

From the course: 3ds Max 2017 Essential Training

Using Paint Deform brushes

- In addition to the Push/Pull brush, we've got six other really useful paintbrushes here. We'll take a look at those. I've got a flat landscape here, and I'll go ahead and just pull that up a little bit, create some curvature on the landscape. And once I've got that, we can take a look at how the Relax tool works because that's the one you probably use the most. And, as the name implies, Relax and Soften will soften the curvature under the cursor. And that's available in any brush mode. Let's say I'm in Push/Pull mode and I create a kind of funky landscape. Sometimes, as you work, you'll get issues where the model will self-intersect. We can fix that really easily by activating the Relax tool. Just hold down the Shift key on the keyboard and you can activate that Relax/Soften brush at anytime. Then we've got flatten and, as the name implies, it will flatten out the surface under the brush. Just basically averages the locations of all those vertices. So I've created some plateaus…
