From the course: 3ds Max 2017 Essential Training
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Understanding hierarchies - 3ds Max Tutorial
From the course: 3ds Max 2017 Essential Training
Understanding hierarchies
- [Voiceover] In chapter 10, we'll look at hierarchies, or connecting objects together, especially for animation, you'll need to have objects connected to one another. For example, we've got our little artist mannequin here and we can post that mannequin by rotating the various parts. If I select his shoulder, for example, I can rotate that. Before I do I just wanted to make it a little bit easier to see by disabling these selection brackets, that's the J key on the keyboard. And also turning on the selection highlighting with edged faces, a selected object can be displayed in an edged faces mode, and that's done from the Viewport menu here, the rightmost entry on that menu, click on that, go down to display selected, and enable display selected with Edged Faces. And that way it's a little easier to see what we've selected because we've got the wireframe superimposed. With that shoulder selected, now I can go to the rotate tool, and then rotate and we can see that the other parts of…
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