From the course: 3ds Max 2017 Essential Training

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Tracking scene assets

Tracking scene assets

- [Voiceover] As I previously mentioned, when you bring a bitmap into a shading network, or a material, you're not actually bringing that data into your scene file. 3ds Max doesn't store 2D pixel-based images internal to the scene file. What it does is simply store a path or a location of where those files can be found. You need to keep all the files inside your current project, otherwise they are very likely to get lost. I'm gonna illustrate what the problem is, and then show you how to correct it if it occurs. Let's say my images are not in the proper place, which is sceneassets, images. I'll go into that folder, scene assets, images, and here's the bitmap, it's cocktail_tableDiffuseMap.png. I'm gonna move it out and just drop it onto my desktop, just for the purposes of this demonstration, and now it's in the wrong place. I'll go ahead and open up 3ds Max, and open the scene file for this particular exercise. It's 15_03_tracking_assets.max, and it's got no map on it currently. I'll…
