From the course: 3ds Max 2017 Essential Training
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Selecting subobjects - 3ds Max Tutorial
From the course: 3ds Max 2017 Essential Training
Selecting subobjects
- [Voiceover] Now let's remove part of the sphere. Remember our bowl is really only half of a sphere. So we want to delete the top half of that sphere. And there are lots of ways to do that. In this chapter, we're looking at the modifier stack. So let's look at how to remove geometry or remove sub-objects or parts of an object using the modifier stack. I'll select my sphere, go over to the Modify panel, and add our first modifier. There is a pulldown that says Modifier List in a little down-facing arrow. Click on that, and you get a popup that lists all of the modifiers that are applicable to the currently selected object. And the one I want here is near the top. It's a selection modifier. It's called Poly Select. And there are a bunch of types of selection. I'm going to show you an issue that could come up. I'm gonna actually intentionally do it sort of wrong so that you can see what the implications of so-called topology dependents are. In other words, if you follow the wrong…
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Understanding level of detail4m 44s
Moving a pivot point2m 43s
Selecting subobjects3m 26s
Building a modifier stack4m 9s
Understanding topology dependence4m 12s
Using a Volume Select modifier5m 42s
Clearing a selection in the stack3m 10s
Collapsing the modifier stack6m 4s