From the course: 3ds Max 2017 Essential Training
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Navigating in viewports - 3ds Max Tutorial
From the course: 3ds Max 2017 Essential Training
Navigating in viewports
- [Voiceover] Let's look at viewport navigation, or changing our point of view in 3D space. So that we have something interesting to look at instead of just a sphere or a cube, let's create one of the stock 3ds Max plants. We can go into the create panel, in the geometry section, and from the pull-down list that's labeled standard primitives, we can click on that, and go to AEC Extended. That stands for Architecture, Engineering, and Construction. In that category, we've got foliage. To create a plant, we'll click on the Foliage button, and then select the plant from this list here. I'll scroll down and let's go for Society Garlic. Click on that, and then just click near the center of the perspective view at the origin there. Now I've got a garlic plant. Right click in the viewport to exit that creation mode, and then if I deselect the object, you'll notice that it degrades into this so called canopy view. Let's change that so we can see the foliage better. I'll reselect it, go up to…
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Getting familiar with the interface4m 52s
Using the Create and Modify panels3m 50s
Navigating in viewports6m 13s
Transforming objects with Move and Rotate5m 43s
Using hotkeys3m 11s
Specifying display units3m 7s
Specifying system units4m 17s
Defining the home grid3m 27s
Choosing shading modes4m 26s
Configuring viewports2m 49s
Customizing colors and hotkeys3m 44s
Customizing hotkeys5m 18s