From the course: 3ds Max 2017 Essential Training

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Moving a pivot point

Moving a pivot point

- [Voiceover] Now let's move the pivot point of the sphere to the bottom of the sphere. And the reason I want to do that is so that later, when I want to move and position my object in the scene, I can, for example, set the ball onto a counter top by exactly typing in the value of the height of the counter top. Because right now the sphere's pivot point is in the center of the sphere. If I select it and use the move tool, we can see that the move gizmo is in the center of the sphere. All right, I want to move that down so it's at the bottom of the sphere. Let's go to our four viewport layout with Alt W, and I can position the sphere up so that it's just sitting right there on the ground plane, or at the XZ plane of the world. And to move the pivot point, let's go over to the command panel, and there is a new one we haven't seen yet, and it's the hierarchy panel. Click on that, and then there are three subpanels within that. The one we want is Pivot, and it's highlighted by default. To…
