From the course: 3ds Max 2017 Essential Training

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Editing animation in the Dope Sheet

Editing animation in the Dope Sheet - 3ds Max Tutorial

From the course: 3ds Max 2017 Essential Training

Editing animation in the Dope Sheet

- [Voiceover] We've seen how easy it is to manipulate key frames and ranges in the timeline. Let's also look at a window that gives us more control, and we can actually isolate the position and rotation keys, we could operate on different objects all at once if we needed too. This window is called the dope sheet. And that's a term from traditional cell animation. A dope sheet, also known as an exposure sheet, or X-sheet, is a spreadsheet that lists every single frame in the animation and data about what's happening on that frame. Let's open up the dope sheet, but before we do, let's select that camera, because the dope sheet is designed to, by default, only display key frames on selected objects. It's found in Graph Editors menu, and the item is Track View - Dope Sheet. The Track View shows all of the animatable parameters in the scene. Each one of these is a track, and here, our selected physical camera is displayed and we have some white boxes here that indicate the key frames. If…
