From the course: 3ds Max 2017 Essential Training

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Creating solid geometry with the Extrude modifier

Creating solid geometry with the Extrude modifier - 3ds Max Tutorial

From the course: 3ds Max 2017 Essential Training

Creating solid geometry with the Extrude modifier

- [Voiceover] Now let's extrude our walls upward to create solid geometry. I'll go to the fore view port layout with alt + W and select the walls object. And we'll add an extrude modifier. Modifier list, scroll down, and you're looking for extrude. It needs some height. Let's give it an amount of 12 feet. Select the amount, just type in 12 and press enter. And now I've got 12 foot walls up there. Pretty cool. Now, in order to clean this up so it will be prepared for a boolean operation, to cut holes for the doors and windows, we want to convert this to an editable poly. With it selected, right click, and in the quad menu down at the bottom choose convert to, convert to editable poly. And this is going to collapse the modifier stack. And now, we don't have the ability to edit those line points anymore because they don't exist. This is now been converted to a raw poly mesh object. Let's look at the actual edges of this so we can see the structure better. Press F4 on the keyboard and we…
