From the course: 3ds Max 2017 Essential Training
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Creating a line - 3ds Max Tutorial
From the course: 3ds Max 2017 Essential Training
Creating a line
- [Voiceover] In this chapter we will model objects using splines. A spline is just a fancy word for a curve or a line, and we will model these fancy hanging lamps using a line or spline and something called a lathe which is a surface of revolution that creates this model that basically sweeps the line in a circle in order to create this round shape. We've got a few parts to this. Each one of these is a lathed line. As we can see here in the Modifier stack, we have three of these. We've also got the ceiling fixture here, the mounting hardware, and actually this cylinder here itself is a line because in 3ds Max we can make a line turn into cylindrical geometry. It's an easy way for you to create wires and tubes and things like that. Okay, so let's get started. I'll make a fresh scene here, just Reset 3ds Max. And we wanna make sure we get our units right. As always, go into Customize Unit Setup, and I'm still working in US Standard units. So I'm sorry all of our international friends…
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Creating a line5m 10s
Editing vertex types4m 58s
Revolving a surface with a Lathe modifier3m 49s
Editing splines3m 51s
Adjusting level of detail with Interpolation3m 45s
Understanding NURBS4m 42s
Importing Illustrator paths to 3ds Max3m 23s
Rendering splines3m 39s
Adding a Bevel modifier5m 35s
Creating a TextPlus primitive5m 52s
Lofting with the Sweep modifier4m 11s