From the course: 3ds Max 2017 Essential Training
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Controlling shadows - 3ds Max Tutorial
From the course: 3ds Max 2017 Essential Training
Controlling shadows
- [Voiceover] Let's look at how to control shadows specifically for any renderer other than ART, we have some choices about our shadows. I've reset 3ds max, and I want to open up the scene file for this movie to illustrate that we're going to get a popup dialogue asking about gamma correction. I'll go to file open and navigate to 16_03_controlling_shadows and click open. And I get a dialogue warning me that there's a mismatch between the gamma settings of 3ds max and the incoming scene file. The scene file has gamma disabled 3ds max basically always has gamma enabled now. This is changed in the most recent versions of 3ds max. When you reset the program or close it and reopen it gamma correction will always be enabled. Down here we can choose to, for the current session, either keep the existing setting, which means to enable gamma, or to adopt the incoming file. In this case, I want to adopt the incoming file so that gamma will be disabled for the standard lights. Let's now work with…
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Choosing a renderer5m 57s
Rendering standard lights4m 14s
Controlling shadows7m 30s
Setting scanline render options5m 1s
Setting mental ray render options7m 10s
Rendering an image sequence5m 28s
Playing image sequences in the RAM Player3m 50s