From the course: 3ds Max 2017 Essential Training

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Choosing aspect ratio in Render Setup

Choosing aspect ratio in Render Setup - 3ds Max Tutorial

From the course: 3ds Max 2017 Essential Training

Choosing aspect ratio in Render Setup

- [Voiceover] To conclude our chapter on layout and camera, I just want to briefly look at aspect ratio. That's the shape of the rendering. It's the ratio of the width divided by the height of any image and we've got an aspect ratio here just inherent in the scene. We can change that though. Let's go up to the render settings dialog. Unlike with a real camera, the aspect ratio is not determined by the camera. In 3D, the aspect ratio is determined by the properties of the renderer. Let's go up to the render settings dialog. Render Setup is a little teapot with a gear. Click on that and there's a ton of stuff in here including what type of render you're going to use and what parameters it has. We'll go over some of this stuff later. The main thing we want to look at is the output size here and in my scene I've got some custom values that I previously entered in. When we change the resolution, implicitly, we're going to change the aspect ratio. We see the aspect ratio listed here. I've…
