From the course: 3ds Max 2017 Essential Training

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Building a modifier stack

Building a modifier stack

- [Voiceover] We're going to use a modifier to delete part of this sphere, and I just want to open the scene from scratch to illustrate what I just mentioned in the last movie which is that selection that we made is preserved in the scene file. Let me go ahead and open that, and with it open, it's going to take me to my current project scenes folder 04_04_build_modifier_stack.max is the file I want. And it doesn't look like anything is selected at first, but it's a little bit deceptive. If we select the object, and then go into the Modify panel. Once we go to that Modify panel we can actually see that that selection has been made. As long as I don't click off of this, and de-select those polygons, then I'm good. If I accidentally click off of it, then I lose that selection. I want to get that back, so just undo with Control + Z. When you make a selection, that selection is passed up the Modifier stack to the next item, or the next Modifier. And the flow here is from bottom to top…
