From the course: 3ds Max 2017 Essential Training

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Adjusting level of detail with Interpolation

Adjusting level of detail with Interpolation - 3ds Max Tutorial

From the course: 3ds Max 2017 Essential Training

Adjusting level of detail with Interpolation

- [Voiceover] We've modeled our lathed object. Let's now have a little bit more control over level of detail. I select that object. Remember, in the Lathed Modifier we have the ability to control the number of segments, and that's the number of segments radially. You can see that really clearly here in the top view port. If I click and drag on that segment spinner we can change the number of radial segments. I can increase or decrease that. Let's say, I'll set it up to something really high, just for purpose of demonstration, to like 128. Now we've got a very high level of detail in the radial axis, but, in the other axis, along along the length of our spline we're not able to control that level of detail directly from within the Lathe Modifier. There is a way to do it however. It's interpolation of the spline itself. Each line in 3ds Max has an internal control to set the level of detail between two points and that's called spline interpolation. Let's take a look. Select the object…
