From the course: 3ds Max 2017 Essential Training

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Adding the OpenSubDiv modifier

Adding the OpenSubDiv modifier - 3ds Max Tutorial

From the course: 3ds Max 2017 Essential Training

Adding the OpenSubDiv modifier

- [Voiceover] With our base object properly structured with all quadrilaterals, let's add the OpenSubDiv modifier. We want to make sure that it displays properly, and that it's easy to see the selections that we make later on. I'm going to change the object color, select that object, and in the command panel, click on the color object swatch, change it over to neutral gray. There's a little bit of an issue with the display in 3ds Max in which, if you had previously selected any sub-objects, then that's going to fight with the color-coding of the OpenSubDiv modifier. Even if you don't have any sub-object mode active, you still need to make sure that no sub-objects are selected. If I click on vertex sub-object mode, I've actually got some vertices selected there. Just want to make sure those are not selected. Click off the object so that nothing's selected. And check in on all the sub-object modes and just make sure that nothing's selected anywhere. Once that's done, we can exit out of…
