From the course: 3D Tracking and Nuke Compositing

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Importing scripts from SynthEyes

Importing scripts from SynthEyes

- [Instructor] OK, so now we're here in NUKE, and I've opened up our Camera 02 script that we exported out from SynthEyes. And you can see here we have our main footage. We have our undistortion. And here we have our 3D scene with our camera, our camera trackers, and our shed. The end of the tree, we have our redistortion node. So let's make sure that everything came in correctly. So if we just click here and hit S, we can see that we have frame range from 0 to 180. Our format size is 1988 by 1118, which is correct for Camera 02, and now let's just make sure that everything lines up. So if we click on the shed, let's change the render display to Wireframe. So we can see, make sure that our model is matching up with our shed. You know, we can just roll through the scene and just make sure that everything is lined up correctly. Now, if the shed is off, if your camera is off, you might have to go into the Dope Sheet. And we select the camera. I'm going to the Dope Sheet, and then we can…
