From the course: 3D Tracking and Nuke Compositing

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Checking for consistency

Checking for consistency

- [Instructor] So now that we're done with all of our shots, I've loaded up all three cameras into one script just to check for consistency. So, let's take a look at each one. So, I have camera two and then by pressing number two, go to camera three. And by pressing three, go to camera four. Let's just double check everything. One thing I'm noticing is that the shadows really aren't coming out on these. And I don't think we ever really adjusted those shadows. So, let's go in and do that now. If we grab the grade, which is next to our shadow, bump those up a little bit. Okay, we need to put on our, alpha. There we go. Let's just bring these up. Something like that. That looks good. And then let's do the same thing over here. Let's go to, go over to our grade. Turn on our alpha. We just want to, keep on tweaking this black point until we get a shadow that's similar to around the door. Somethin' like that. Looks pretty good. And then our last shot. Turn on our alpha. So that looks really…
