From the course: 3D Tracking and Fusion Compositing

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Setting up your renders

Setting up your renders

- [Instructor] Now it's time to render out our images for our compositing. So we're using the Arnold Renderer that comes with Maya, so we're not going to be able to batch render. So we're only going to be able to do one camera at a time. So the first thing we're going to need to do, come up to the Render Settings, and just delete camera three and four from the Renderable Cameras. The next thing we'll do is start setting up the parameters for the final render. So let's select aiSkyDome. If we go over to the Attribute Editor and go to the LightShape, we want to up the samples to four, and that's going to help get rid of the noise and the shadows. Then we're going to go up to the Render Settings. Let's switch this to the Arnold Renderer. And what we're looking to do is we're looking to render out an exr with all the different passes in that one exr. So first thing, we're going to start with the Common. So we do want exr. We can turn on Autocrop. So we're going to come down and change…
