From the course: 3D Tracking and Fusion Compositing

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Setting up your 3D scene

Setting up your 3D scene

- [Instructor] Okay, so now we're ready to start working on setting up our walls. So now we're going to need our 3D scenes. So let's bring our 3D scenes over. I'm just going to bring our shed model up here to the top. So what we want to do is we're going to add some cards in 3D space, add a texture to those cards and then light them, and then bring it back into our composite. And where we want to bring it into the composite is right in between our indirect diffuse and our reflection. So let's move there, indirect over a little bit, make a little bit of room. And let's add a merge in right here. And then we want to connect that up to our render. And if we hold Option click, we can make a dot, just to keep it organized. And now we're ready to set up our walls.
