From the course: 3D Tracking and Fusion Compositing

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Final composite

Final composite

- [Instructor] Okay so let's look at all three scenes together to check for consistency. And camera two up there. And let's bring in camera three. So I like the way that camera three is looking, but camera two, I'd like to darken this up a little bit. Let's look at camera four. And camera four the same thing, it'd be nice to darken that up a little bit. So, with camera two and four in the viewers, let's go up to our light, and we can make some adjustments on both at the same time. Yeah, so something like that, that looks really good. And let's just check camera three to make sure any changes to that don't look bad. Okay, so that looks really good. Another thing that's sort of bothering me is the reflections in the window. Be nice to give those a little bit of a blur. So I'm gunna put up camera two. And under the reflection, let's add a blur. Actually, just a blur of one is probably enough. So let's copy that blur, and add it to the reflection of the other two shots. And then just…
