From the course: 3D Tracking and Fusion Compositing

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Exporting from SynthEyes

Exporting from SynthEyes

- [Instructor] Now that our cameras are all solved we're ready to export out to our animation and compositing packages. Because we were working with real world objects we needed to use distortion values to help solve the cameras correctly. So we're going to need use the undistortion workflow in our 3D and compositing and redistort our final images back onto the original play. So let's head over to the summary panel and click on the lens workflow. Make sure you have camera two active. Let's click on default. So what we want is option number two, which was redistorted and that's going to undistort our plates. The other thing that we're going to change is the margin. We don't want any extra pixels, so I'm going to put that at zero and press okay. When working with Fusion the Fusion script actually exports out all of the cameras. So in this scenario where we have our survey and three other cameras all inside the SynthEyes script we can export out all of it at once, but we will need to…
