From the course: 3D Animation and Rigging

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Using Quick Rig

Using Quick Rig

- [George] Hi, I'm George Mistry. There are times when you just need to rig a character quickly. And for that, Maya has a tool called Quick Rig, and it's a great way to rig characters for HumanIK and all sorts of stuff. So let's take a look at how this works, I have a simple mesh and let's go ahead and rig it. So if we go onto our rigging menu under skeleton, you'll see, we have Quick Rigs. So if I bring that up you'll see at the beginning it basically just has one button. Now, if you press auto rig here it will try to rig the character. But I find that it's a lot better if you give it a little bit more information, so I'm going to click over to step by step. Now, when we Quick Rig a character we do need to create a character definition. So I'm going to hit the plus sign here and that creates a HumanIK character definition, and this is how we are going to rig the character. So the first thing we need to do is…
