From the course: 3D Animation and Rigging

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Using proximity pins

Using proximity pins - Maya Tutorial

From the course: 3D Animation and Rigging

Using proximity pins

- [George] Hi, I'm George Mystery many times when we rate characters, we'll need to stick something to a deforming skin. And one way to do this is to use what's called a proximity pin. Now, this is fairly new to Maya. And let me show you how this works. So the problem that we have is we want to add a temporary soul patch or beard to this character. So I have that here and if we move it over, you can see basically what we're doing here, we're basically just going to place that right underneath the lip of the character, and he will look a lot more cool. But we need to stick that so that it follows the skin. Now normally, you'd probably just parent it to one of these controls. But the controls basically work against each other. So if I were to, let's say, move the jaw and the lip, the skin is going to move relative to both of those. And so if I stick it to just one, it might not actually match up to the skin, so we want to…
