From the course: 3D Animation and Rigging

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Using offset parent matrices

Using offset parent matrices - Maya Tutorial

From the course: 3D Animation and Rigging

Using offset parent matrices

- [Instructor] Hi, I'm George Maestri, Today we're going to look at, offset parent matrices. If you're not familiar with these, these are a great new feature in Maya, 2020, and they're really going to change the way that you animate and rig in Maya. So, first, I'm going to show you a very simple example, and then we're going to go to a rigging example to kind of show you power of this tool. Now, an offset parent matrix, is found in basically every object that has a transform node. So if I select this cube for example, and go to the attribute editor, you'll see that we have our transform attributes here, and those are the same that we would see in the channel box. But we have another rollout below that called a transform offset parent matrix. And this is another set of controls that will allow us to offset the object before the transform attributes take place. Now, this particular example is a really good way to use…
