From the course: 3D Animation and Rigging

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Eye direction and head turns

Eye direction and head turns - Maya Tutorial

From the course: 3D Animation and Rigging

Eye direction and head turns

- [George] Hi, I'm George Maystreet. Today, we're going to do some animation. We're going to take a look at character head turns. Now head turns are an important part of character animation, and while they may seem simple, there's actually a number of subtle layers that you can add, to make sure that they look believable. So let's start off with this simple character. So we're going to turn the head by using the head control. So I'm going to go ahead and select the control head. So let's go ahead and just rotate that along one axis. So I'm going to rotate it along the X or the red axis. Let's go ahead and rotate it about say, negative 15 degrees or so, and set a key for that. So I'm going to start this head turn, maybe about a half second. So say, frame 12 I'm going to go ahead and start it. So I'm going to set a key for that, make sure we have keys for all of those. And then we're going to turn this head over maybe about…
