From the course: 2D Animation: Tips and Tricks

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Walks and hookups

Walks and hookups

- [Instructor] Let's take a look at walk cycles and how we work walk cycles out of the idle pose and move the character around the gameplay area. So as you can see here, we have the idle and various actions but we're going to focus on these here, the walk and to a lesser extent these walks on slopes. I made little variations for different gradients but the main one is this one here. Let's zoom in. And I'm just going to go right into that symbol. So let's just focus on this one animation. And as you can see, it's a nice walk cycle. I have two entire courses in the library on walk cycles and attitude walks that go into the nuts and bolts of walk cycles. So if you really want to learn about how to put something like this together, check those out. This is going to focus more on the interactivity of walks and how do we get from the idle into the walk and back out of the walk and into the idle. So let's take a look at our idle…
