From the course: 2D Animation: Tips and Tricks

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Thumbnail basics

Thumbnail basics

- [Narrator] One subject that gets to be left out of the popular how-to animation books is thumbnails. So, considering the importance of thumbnails, it's very strange. So, let's correct that by taking a close look at them and why you need them. So here's what it looks like very quickly animated. First pass at a loose, dizzy walk. And it's already off to a good start. So once more, these are the thumbnails. I created them in a lined notebook which is why you can see these horizontal lines. That should give you a feel for how tiny these are. Now the figures are a little more than an inch tall. They're drawn lightly with a 0.3 millimeter mechanical pencil. I really like those because I can get a really precise fine line and a very small size, but you can use whatever you prefer. Regular pencils, 0.5 mil, whatever works for you. I draw many of my thumbnails in a coffee shop and it's nice to get out of the studio or away from the computer, get some fresh air, nice cup of coffee, plan out…
