From the course: 2D Animation: Tips and Tricks

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- [Lecturer] I'd like you to know a little bit about some of the traditional terminology that's used in the industry, some of it is an anachronism from a time when the footage was footage (chuckles), when it was physically measured, so, some of the terms are still used, but you might not be sure exactly what that is. So, in the early period of film, when film was shot on film, there were 24 frames in a second and 16 frames or 35 millimeter film was about one foot, hence the term footage, which we still use. So, we have traditionally trained animators, like myself, who will have transitioned into working on computers, and we're comfortable, you know, working with different frame rates, 24 frames or 30 frames a second are two of the most common, we have then the principle of animating on ones, twos and threes, and it was discovered fairly early on, and I think it was on Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, the Disney original, where it was realized that you could, instead of having to…
