From the course: 2D Animation: Tips and Tricks

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Straight-ahead animation

Straight-ahead animation

- [Instructor] There are two basic techniques of animating. One is called straight ahead and the other is pose to pose. In this case, I'm going to show you the first of these two methods, the straight ahead approach. Now I'm a natural pose to pose animator. Pose to pose essentially is you draw the first pose, the last one, and you block in the major ones in between, where straight ahead, you start here and then you do the second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, and so on, and I find it a little scary because sometimes you can get out of control with it, but on the other hand if you try it sometime, you might find it's a much looser way to animate. So in this case, what I wanted to do was a really wild acting scene where the character is just sort of losing his emotional stability as he walks through the scene. So he's been given some really bad news, all of his money is gone or he's been broken into and essentially he's walking down the street saying "whoa is me, why did this happen to…
