From the course: 2D Animation: Tips and Tricks

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Sixties TV post-production

Sixties TV post-production

- [Instructor] In The Previous Movie, I promised You we would fix it in post. So here is the animation that we exported from Adobe Animate CC. And it's got as good a look as you can get from that program. And as you can see, let me just stop a frame here. The background looks kind of nice, but the whole thing looks HD. It doesn't look like anything made in the 1960s, and it's too crisp, really. So here's how I corrected it. Now this may be a little too far on one extreme, but it's good to give you an idea. So something's happened here. One, aspect ration is now closer to four three, which was the TV aspect ratio. I've also applied some filters and after effects to put a fake video effect on it. So, there are degrees to which you can apply this, but I wanted to show you something strong that would give a feeling for how far you can take it. Here's the other scene, and again, same problem with this. So same solution…
