From the course: 2D Animation: Tips and Tricks

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Simple run

Simple run

- [Instructor] This is a run cycle that I created for my Monsters course. It's a very simple geometrical model of a Frankenstein-type character, and it turned out really well with just four poses, so I think I might've got a bit lucky with it. I really thought I was going to have to do a lot more work than that to get this kind of action, this nice rotary action that really feels like a big, powerful character. So let's take a look at the drawings. You might find that this kind of timing reference could be useful to you. So effectively, on 24 frames per second was the frame width that I used. So if you're working on 30 or a different frame rate, you've got to adjust these numbers slightly. Just add a little number here and there. So we have number one and he cycles back into number one. That's 13. So it's basically the 13th frame. So it's one through 12, one through 12. So you're only looking at four poses here.…
