From the course: 2D Animation: Tips and Tricks

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Primary, secondary, and tertiary actions

Primary, secondary, and tertiary actions

From the course: 2D Animation: Tips and Tricks

Primary, secondary, and tertiary actions

- [Instructor] This simple animation illustrates the basic principle of primary and secondary animation and as you can see, the head area, the sort of the pumpkin type object, is leading the action. That's doing the motion and the hat moves only because the head moves. If the head doesn't move, the hat doesn't move. It's that simple. So notice also that the head moves and then in this case, I've just withheld action on the head, very slightly, so that it's suspended just for a frame before gravity catches up with it. So it's a very loose fitting hat in this case. There's also a nice drag as well on the rim of the hat which also creates the illusion of flexibility with the hat brim. It's like one of those 17th century type wide brimmed hats. Now notice one of the things about this that the, technically the feather is a tertiary or a third action. Its action is determined only because the hat moves so it has its own little different life from the hat. So in this case we have a primary…
